Articles on: Payroll

EasyTeam Payroll - Migration from Square Payroll

Migrating Your Square Payroll Data to EasyTeam

When switching to EasyTeam as your payroll provider mid-year, it's crucial to migrate your previous payroll data to ensure accurate tax payments and reporting. This guide will walk you through the process step by step.

You can keep your Square Payroll account active during the migration process to maintain access to reports and run additional payrolls if needed.

Two Ways to Provide Payroll Data

Grant administrator access to EasyTeam (Recommended)
Download and email reports yourself

Method 1: Granting Administrator Access

Follow these steps to add EasyTeam as a Payroll Admin in Square:

➡️ Log in to your Square payroll account.

➡️ Navigate to Staff > Team > Team members.

➡️ Click + Team member.

➡️ Enter the following information:
- First Name: Payroll
- Last name: Admin
- E-mail:

➡️ Click Next.

➡️ Go to Settings > Account & Settings > Business Information > Business security.

➡️ Click Assign Authorized Representative and select the Payroll Admin team member.

➡️ Select all locations if you have multiple locations.

➡️ Click Save.

Method 2: Downloading Reports Yourself

For Current Quarter Data:

If you are onboarding in the middle of a quarter, you'll need to generate a report for each past payroll run in the current quarter along with reports for each closed quarter.

➡️ Visit the Home > Payroll > History tab in your Payroll Dashboard.

➡️ Click Payroll Reports.

➡️ Click Report Type > Paycheck Details

➡️ Run the Paycheck Details report:
- Set date range from the first date of current quarter to your last processed payroll
- Select All Team Members

➡️ Click Download to save the spreadsheet.

Recent payrolls won't appear until the cancellation deadline has passed. If your recent payrolls aren't showing, send us the current report and follow up with an updated report once they appear.

For Past Quarters in Current Year:

If you're onboarding in Q2, Q3, or Q4 and have processed payroll in past quarters of the current calendar year.

➡️ Visit the Home > Payroll > History tab in your Payroll Dashboard.

➡️ Click Payroll Reports.

➡️ Run the Employee Totals report for each past quarter:
- Q1: January 1 - March 31
- Q2: April 1 - June 30
- Q3: July 1 - September 30

➡️ Click Download for each report.

For Weekly Pay Groups:

Submit all calendar year data accumulated so far.
Share your final weekly payroll run data once processed.

💡 Example: If you run payroll every Monday for Friday check dates, send us all previous payroll information first. After running your final weekly payroll in Square, send us that payroll journal by Friday to ensure a smooth transition to your first EasyTeam payroll the following week.

Need help with custom payroll migration requirements? Don't hesitate to reach out via the chat bubble in the bottom right corner, or schedule a free call with us

Updated on: 24/01/2025