Articles on: Account Settings

How to cancel my subscription?

Canceling Your Subscription

We're sorry to hear that EasyTeam wasn't a good fit for your needs. If you'd like to cancel your subscription, you can do so by uninstalling the app from your Shopify admin. Your subscription will be automatically canceled upon uninstallation.

To uninstall the app, follow these steps:

➡️ Go to the Shopify Admin dashboard.

➡️ Navigate to Apps > Apps and Sales Channel Settings.

➡️ Locate the Staff Management - EasyTeam app in the list and click Uninstall.

➡️ Select the reason for uninstalling and click the Uninstall button.

For privacy reasons, we do not keep any of your store's data after you uninstall. Please back up any important reports and data before uninstalling. Our support team can assist with the backup process if needed.

We'd love to hear your feedback on why you chose to cancel your subscription. Your insights will help us continue to improve EasyTeam for everyone.

Updated on: 27/08/2024